Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka and Public Safety Director Fritz G. Fragé announce that the JuvenileSafety Initiative ordinance scheduled to begin today, Friday, April 12, 2024, is temporarilypostponed. A press conference will be scheduled and announced next week to include plans forthe city’s Summer Safety Initiative.
“This ordinance was enacted in the City of Newark decades ago and has been rolled out annuallysince its inception,” Mayor Baraka said. “We are once again enforcing an ordinance that alreadyexists and will hold a press conference to explain details of this youth safety measure and otherprograms to ensure summertime safety and enjoyment.”
“Even during the updating of our juvenile safety initiative, the Newark Police Division willcontinue to engage positively with the community, including our city’s youth and theirfamilies,” Director Fragé said. “As always, our work is aimed at strengthening communityrelations while reducing crime.”
The Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery will work in conjunction with theDepartment of Public Safety to provide comprehensive support services and programs for youth,families, and residents citywide.