

The Department of Finance oversees the city’s assets and protects its resources for Newark citizens. In this way, the department supports the City of Newark’s overall mission to provide security and opportunities for economic prosperity to all of its citizens and to create an environment that is nurturing and empowering for families.

Led by the city director of finance/chief financial officer, the Department of Finance provides fiscal policy recommendations to the mayor and Municipal Council and is responsible for all financial activities and functions of city government. This includes paying all employees; paying all vendors; collecting all revenue; investing all idle funds; billing all taxes; recording all receipts, expenditures, and other financial transactions; preparing all financial reports; and raising all capital funds on behalf of the City of Newark. The department is also responsible for the city’s assets and resources, including investments, revenues, budgetary appropriations and expenditures, and fixed assets.

  • Director’s Office is to maintain prudent custody of assets of the City and protect its resources for its citizens. The composition of those assets include cash, revenue, 
  • Employee’s Retirement Systems insures that eligible employees are enrolled and contributing accurately to the pension system and that eligible retirees are receiving payments in an accurate and timely manner.
  • Office of Tax Abatement and Special Taxes insures that the service charges on tax abatement and taxes on payroll, parking , hotel room occupancy and business license and permits are accurately accounted for. It is the responsibility of the Manager to collect, enforce and report on the revenue of the various businesses in the City of Newark and assess charges for non-compliance in accordance to the State and Municipal Statues and Ordinances.
  • Assessments locates and determines the tax-ability of real estate and personal property value within the City to maintain the tax base; maintains detailed tax maps for each parcel of real estate in the City; prepares property mergers and sub-divisions; and inputs changes to property records including ownership, mortgage codes, assessments, etc. Click Here to download the PDF version of the current tax maps.

Purchasing Guide

Accounts and Control

Accounts and Control protects the assets of the City of Newark by maintaining accurate accounting records and recording all financial transactions for all of the City’s funds including current, water, sewer general capital, water capital, sewer capital, insurance and other trust funds.

Director's Office

Director’s Office is to maintain prudent custody of assets of the City and protect its resources for its citizens. The composition of those assets include cash, revenue, investments, budgetary appropriations,trust funds, capital authorizations and fixed assets.

Revenue Collections

Revenue Collections insures that all taxpayers of the City of Newark are billed properly and accurately for their property taxes and collects and reports this and all revenue of the City in a timely and accurate fashion; and initiates and carries out various enforcement procedures related to the non-payment of taxes and other municipal charges

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How can I find out how much I owe in taxes?

Call Customer Service, Mon. thru Fri.(Holidays Excluded) 9:00am to 4:00pm

Taxes: (973) 733-3791, 3792, 3962, 8098, 3978

Water/Sewer:  (973) 733-6370, 6371, 6396, 6479,6483

What is a tax sale?

Standard Tax Sale: When prior years taxes and/or other municipal charges remain owing and due in the current year, pursuant to the above N.J. Statute, the municipality will enforce the collection of those charges by offering same for sale which will cause a Tax Lien Certificate to be sold and filed against the property, and can become subject to foreclosure proceedings if not redeemed timely.

Accelerated Tax Sale: When current years taxes and/or other municipal charges remain owing and due after the statutory due date (Nov 10th.), the municipality may enforce the collection of those charges by offering for sale, the property, which will cause a Tax Lien Certificate to be sold and filed against the property, and will become subject to foreclosure proceedings if not redeemed timely.

What happens if I owe more than one quarter in taxes?

If you owe one, two, or three quarters in taxes the amount due with interest becomes much greater.

Please note: If you pay a portion of your tax bill, the payment will go toward the oldest payment due. For example, if you owe for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarter tax bills and you make a partial payment in September, the payment will go towards the principle and interest owed on your 1stQuarter tax bill.

If you have outstanding tax payments for the prior year, still outstanding in the current year, the property will be subject to TAX SALE pursuant to New Jersey State Law, N.J.S.A. 54:5-19.

What happens if I am late in my tax payment?

If your taxes are paid after the due date (inclusive of the 10 day grace period), interest will be assessed at the rates permissible by law, 8% on the first $1,500.00 and 18% on the remaining balance.

When are tax bills due?

Property taxes are due quarterly:

  • February 1
  • May 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

We  allow a 10 day grace period. Whenever the 10th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the taxes are due on the following business day.

What is the purpose of Property Taxes?

The amount of taxes assessed to support the municipal budget. To operate and maintain the Municipality, provide municipal services such as garbage collection, street lighting, street maintenance and public safety.

What do tax bills consist of?

Your TAX BILLS consists of your Municipal, County and School taxes.

How do I open a business in the City of Newark?

To open and operate a business in the City of Newark, you must have a City of Newark Business License.

The first step in the process to secure a business license is to make sure you have the following documents:

  • Federal Tax Identification NumberAlso known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), it is used for both Federal and State tax purposes. The only time you do not need an EIN is if your business is a sole proprietorship without employees (other than the owner) and is not required to file excise, alcohol, tobacco, or firearm tax returns. As a sole proprietor, your social security number can be used for business tax purposes.If you do not have an EIN, you must file Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number, with the Internal Revenue Service. You can file your application online HERE. The application is also available online in Spanish.
  • Certificate of Incorporation or Partnership Formation DocumentsTo obtain either of these documents, you must file an original formation/authorization certificate with State of New Jersey. More information on the filing process can be found online HERE.
  • State of New Jersey Business Registration CertificateTo do business in the State of New Jersey, an entity must file organizational documents with the State’s Division of Revenue. This requirement applies to profit and non-profit corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships and limited liability companies. You can register your business online with the State HERE.
  • Certificate of Occupancy (COO)You can obtain a copy of the COO immediately from the owner of the building in which your business is located. If the owner is no longer accessible, a copy can be obtained by submitting an OPRA (Open Public Records Act) request at the Office of the City Clerk, Room 415A, City Hall, 920 Broad Street.
  • Valid Driver’s License or State ID CardTo obtain a driver’s license or valid State identification card in New Jersey, you can apply online HERE or in person at the nearest local MVC Agency.

Your next step is to obtain a Business License Application package from the Office of Central Licenses and Permits. In the package will be a list of additional permits and/or certifications you will need to obtain and present along with your application in order to qualify for a business license.

Office of Central Licenses and PermitsCity Hall920 Broad Street, Room B-17Newark, NJ 07102(973) 733-6390

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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